From 2024, the annual net profit from the sale of multiples of Guido Dettoni della Grazia’s sacred art will be donated to the CARITAS Foundation of Assisi, for mothers and children in vulnerable situations, and to the SERAFICO Institute of Assisi, dedicated to people with multiple psycho-sensory disabilities.
Guido Dettoni della Grazia’s works of art are tactile and are not conceived as unique pieces, but as multiples of the original, produced in limited or unlimited quantities, in different materials and sizes.
Since 2000, the COOPERATIVA SANTA MARIA DELLE ROSE has been managing the exhibition of sacred art by Guido Dettoni della Grazia, installed in the Church of Santa Maria delle Rose in Assisi.
The sale of the works, both in the permanent exhibition in Assisi and through the e-commerce platform NESHERGALLERY, generates income that allows the Cooperative to manage the exhibition and use the profits for social aid.
The COOPERATIVA SANTA MARIA DELLE ROSE thus acts as a mediator between the sensibility of those who help with their purchases and the needs of those who benefit.